

Hola! I'm a writer of novels, short stories, articles and other motley bits of content.  I tweet as @brotzel_fiction and write about many aspects of writing at danielbrotzel.medium.com

Novels: My novels include The Wolf in the Woods and Thank You For The Days (both from Bloodhound Books). I'm also co-author of a comic novel about an eccentric writers' group, Work in Progress (originally from Unbound, though we're now looking for a new publisher).

Short stories:  My debut collection of short stories, Hotel du Jack , was published by Sandstone Press and was shortlisted for the Eyelands Award. Among various plaudits, I won the 2018 Riptide Journal short story competition, was runner-up in the Leicester Writes 2019 story competition, and highly commended for the 2019 Manchester prize.

I have stories in places like Slackjaw, X-RAY, Pithead Chapel, Ellipsis Zine, Reflex Fiction, Cabinet of Heed, Bending Genres and Spelk. Stories of mine have received Pushcart and Best of the Net nominations. Here's a piece I did on How to write a short story for Jericho Writers. 

Copy and content: As a journalist and co-founder of content agency Sticky Content, I have 25+ years' of writing to order for clients and publications, covering everything from email marketing to comedy scripts. I've done a lot of b2b ghostwriting and training/coaching teams in copywriting skills too.

On the humour front, along with my fiction I've written columns, radio scripts (Dead Ringers) and was Asda Christmas Cracker gag champion 2004. It's been downhill ever since. 

Got a project? Drop me a line

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